Worksheet On Analog Time. Time math worksheets including elapsed time, telling time on analog clocks, calendars and converting time worksheets. Telling Time Worksheets are a great way to practice reading a clock or watch face.
Here you can find Telling the time worksheets. Hope you have a good experience with this site and recommend to your friends too. On most of these worksheets, grade school students will be presented with a clock fact Building up competency and confidence telling analog clock time requires a lot of practice, and these worksheets are here to help!
Includes cut-and-glue activities, task cards, worksheets, & word problems.
These worksheets are suitable for children who have started to learn time.
The three worksheets in this pack ask the kids to match the time on the analogue clocks with the written time by drawing lines between them. Create printable custom time worksheets quickly using your custom choice of clock faces and time options. Practice in telling and writing time on analog and digital clocks.